With the rapid development of technology in the world today, web design has come to be a large part of the lives of many. Personally, I find it difficult to picture the Internet without animated graphics, backgrounds, music and various types of typography. Today, we are in a world where millions of people stay online almost all day for one reason or another. This is why having a standard website design gives you a better advantage of pushing to the limelight whatever is the content of your web page.


HTML is the "markup" language consisting of elements that make-up a page; these elements contain attributes that can change the elements behaviour, and can be optional or mandatory. HTML is the core building blocks of your website, focused purely on the content, text, and images, but not necessarily how they appear on the page.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Web designers use CSS to determine how HTML elements should be displayed in your browser. One key aspect of this is ensuring that the content is displayed nicely on both mobile phones, tablets, and desktop PCs. This is known as responsive, or mobile-friendly, web design. CSS lets you pick or make a choice of the type of font you want, if you want your content to be all bold or italics, you get to choose the number of columns, size of text and so on.


Javascript refers to a high-tech, interpreted and dynamic programming language, which can make web pages dynamic, so when you perform an action, like clicking on something, a hover-over can appear out of nowhere, or even replace all the content you're currently looking at. Javascript, and more recently jQuery (an extensive library of useful Javascript code) has really taken center-stage in the world of web development and design.

Responsiveness Design

The mobile context has grown beyond the mere one screen size. These days with the availability of phones, tablets, etc. opening and viewing new sites has been made easy. Connectivity is everywhere because our mobile devices are always with us.

So in order to create a mobile friendly and responsive website designed for mobile contexts, not just small screens, it is important we ensure that the challenges of upfront mobile development are tackled. Focus on the quality and validity of your content and present it as quickly as possible. Separate the style sheets for larger screens - introduce more advanced layout rules; as much as you can avoid being complex.

One thing about web designing is the usability and the utility of the web content and not just the visual design. These two things determine the success or failure of your web site - this we can help you with. The individual that clicks the mouse to visit your page is the one that decides everything. So creating a design to satisfy their curiosity (responsive and mobile friendly) should be at the back of your mind when bringing the elements of web designing into play.